

CAS登录号 中文名 英文名 分子结构式 分子式 详情 供应商
Polyethylene glycol monolaurate;
Glycols,polyethylene, monolaurate (8CI);
Lauric acid, monoester with polyethyleneglycol (8CI);
Agnique PEG 600ML;
Aquafil I;
Aquafil II;
Atlas G 2109;
Atlas G2125;
Atlas G 2127;
Atlas G 2129;
Blaunon L 400;
Brian L;
Brian L 400;
Cirrasol TCS;
Cithrol 2ML;
Cithrol 6ML;
Crodet L;
Crodet L 100;
Crodet L12;
Crodet L 24;
Crodet L 4;
Crodet L 40;
Crodet L 8;
Emanon 1112;
Emanon 1112HG;
Emerest 2620;
Emerest 2650;
Empilan AP 100;
Empilan AQ 100;
Ethox ML 5;
Ethox ML 9;
Ethylan L;
Ethylan L 3;
G 2127;
G 2129;
Hallco CPH 43;
Ionet ML 400;
Jeemate 400ML;
Kessco PEG 1000ML;
Kessco PEG 400ML;
Kessco PEG600;
Kessco PEG 600ML;
Koremul LA 9;
Laurox 9;
Lipo-PEG 4L;
Lonzest PEG 4L;
Lumulse 40L;
MYL 10;
Macrogol laurate 600;
MaPEG 200ML;
MaPEG 400ML;
Milube N29;
Newcol 150;
Nikkol MYL 10;
Nissan Nonion L 2;
Nissan Nonion L 4;
Noigen EA152;
Nonex 139;
Nonex 27;
Nonex 31;
Nonex 39;
Nonex 55;
Nonex 56;
Nonex 99;
Nonio-light L 40;
Nonion L 2;
Nonion L 4;
Nopalcol 10L;
Nopalcol 1L;
Nopalcol 2L;
Nopalcol 6L;
PEG 200 monolaurate;
PEG laurate;
PEGosperse 200ML;
PEGosperse 400ML;
PEGosperse 600ML;
PEGosperse L 9;
Plasthall CPH 27N;
Plasthall CPH 376N;
Poly(oxyethylene) laurate;
Poly(oxyethylene) lauric acid ester;
Polyethoxy monolaurate;
Polyethyleneglycol dodecyl ester;
Polyethylene glycol laurate;
Polyethylene glycol lauricacid ester;
Polyethylene glycol lauryl ester;
Polyethylene glycol monolaurate;
Polyethylene glycol monolauryl ester;
Polyethylene oxide monododecanoate;
Polyethylene oxide monolaurate;
Polyoxyethylene lauryl ester;
Prodhyphore F;
S 1018A;
S 1019;
S 1118;
S 167;
S 307;
Secoster ML400;
Value 1207;
Vinlub 73;
Polyethylene glycol monooleate;
Glycols,polyethylene, monooleate (8CI);
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)-w-hydroxy-, (Z)-;
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-[(9Z)-1-oxo-9-octadecenyl]-w-hydroxy- (9CI);
Oleic acid, monoester with polyethylene glycol (8CI);
Adeka Estol OEG 204;
Agnique PEG 400MO;
Akyporox O 50;
Alkamuls 400MO;
AlkamulsA 2;
Alkasurf O 14;
Alkasurf O 75-9;
Atlas G 2140;
Atlas G 2141;
Atlas G 2142;
Atlas G 2143;
Atlas G 2144;
Atlas G 5507;
Atlas G 5511;
Blaunon O 200SA;
Blaunon O 600SA;
Blaunon O 700SA;
CRL 1337;
Cemulsol 1050;
Cemulsol A;
CemulsolC 105;
Cemulsol D 8;
Chemax E 400MO;
Chemester 300OC;
Chimipon OCD;
Cithrol PO;
Crodet O 100;
Crodet O 40;
Crodet O 6;
Dyapol G;
EN 1507;
EN 1511;
ES 120;
Emalex 218;
Emalex OE 1;
Emalex OE 10;
Emanon 4110;
Emcol H 2A;
Emcol H 31A;
Emerest 2624;
Emerest 2646;
Emerest 2660;
Empilan BP 100;
Empilan BQ 100;
Emulan A;
Emulphor 24;
Emulphor A;
Emulphor VN430;
Estax 38 S.F;
Estax 38SE;
Ethofat O;
Ethofat O 15;
Ethofat O 20;
Ethox MO14;
Ethox MO 5;
Ethox MO 9;
Ethoxylated oleic acid;
Ethylan A 2;
Ethylan A 3;
Ethylan A 4;
Ethylan A 6;
Ethylene oxide-oleic acid adduct;
Extrex P 60;
G 2143;
G 2144;
G 5507;
H 2A;
Hamadol OD 600;
Interwet 33;
Ionet MO 200;
Ionet MO 400;
Ionet MO 600;
KEOL 15;
Kessco PEG 1000MO;
Kessco PEG 400MO;
Konion MO 14;
Koremul OA 9;
Lannagol LF;
Lipal 300W;
Lipal 30W;
Lipal 400OL;
Lipo-PEG 4O;
MO 600;
MYO 2;
Macrogol oleate 600;
MaPEG 200;
MaPEG 200MO;
MaPEG 400MO;
MaPEG 600;
MaPEG 600MO;
Marlosol OL 15;
Marlosol OL 7;
Mergital OA 6;
Monooleate ester of polyethylene glycol;
Newcol 170;
Nikkol MYO10;
Nikkol MYO 2;
Nissan Nonion O 2;
Nissan Nonion O 3;
Nissan Nonion O 4;
Nissan Nonion O 5;
Nissan Nonion O 6;
Noigen ES 120;
Noigen ES 129;
Noigen ES129D;
Noigen ES 140;
Noigen ES 149;
Noigen ES 160;
Noigen ES 169;
Noigen ES169D;
Noigen ES 90;
Noigen ES 99;
Noigen ES 99D;
Noigen ET 189;
Nonex 25;
Nonex 52;
Nonex 64;
Nonion 0-4;
Nonion O 2;
Nonion O 4;
Nonion O 6;
Nopalcol 1O;
Glycols,polyethylene, bis(2-aminoethyl) ether (8CI);
Ethanol, 2-amino-, diether with polyethyleneglycol (8CI);
Diamine-PEG 897;
Fluka 06703;
Jeffamine 2001;
O,O'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)octadecaethylene glycol;
PEG 1000 Diamine;
PEG 4000DCA;
PEG-diamine (n=20);
PEO-Amine 400;
Poly(ethylene oxide)diamine;
Polyethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl) ether;
Polyethylene glycol diamine;
Tetradecaethylene glycol diamine
(11-Ferrocenyl)undecyltridecaethyleneglycol ether;
(11-Ferrocenylundecyl)polyethylene glycol;
(11-Ferrocenylundecyl)polyoxyethylene glycol;
Ethoxylated undecylferrocene;
FPEG 1000;
FPEG 1500;
FPEG 600;
Ferrocenylundecyl polyoxyethylene ether
Glycols,polyethylene, bis(2-aminoethyl) ether (8CI);
Ethanol, 2-amino-, diether with polyethyleneglycol (8CI);
Diamine-PEG 897;
Fluka 06703;
Jeffamine 2001;
O,O'-Bis(2-aminoethyl)octadecaethylene glycol;
PEG 1000 Diamine;
PEG 4000DCA;
PEG-diamine (n=20);
PEO-Amine 400;
Poly(ethylene oxide)diamine;
Polyethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl) ether;
Polyethylene glycol diamine;
Tetradecaethylene glycol diamine
热门搜关键词:DSD 酸 4-吡啶乙酸盐酸盐 CF3OCF2CF2CF2OCFCF2 limoneneoxide TRIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE hexadecylester TeO3 CH3NHOH amic acid 二 甲 硝 唑 IGAS 292C C47H48N3O7S2Na H2CDC C8H18SI2 C6O2BrH11 2H-1,2,4-三氮唑-3-甲酰胺 CF3CH2OCF3 HOBr Linaloo C15H13I2NO4 6APA 巴氨西林 methylester C18H16O9 2-ethyl-1-Hexano 丙氨酸酯 双(3-巯基丙酸)乙二醇 2,5-吡咯烷二酮 活性蓝 R 三氟乙脒 新亚铜试剂 2,6-二氯酚靛酚钠盐 5-氯-2-甲基 苯基丙醇水合物 烯 酰胺 苯基荧光酮 丙烯基苯酚 Acetamide, N-butyl- 3-hexen-1-yl ester