

CAS登录号 中文名 英文名 分子结构式 分子式 详情 供应商
Glycols,polyethylene, mono-9-octadecenyl ether, (Z)- (8CI);
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(9Z)-9-octadecenyl-w-hydroxy- (9CI);
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-9-octadecenyl-w-hydroxy-, (Z)-;
9-Octadecen-1-ol, monoether with polyethylene glycol,(Z)- (8CI);
9-Octadecen-1-ol-ethylene oxide copolymer;
Ahco 3998;
Ameroxol OE10;
Ameroxol OE 2;
Ameroxol OE 20;
Atlas G 3915;
Atlas G 3920;
Atmer 137;
BO 15V;
BO 2;
BO 20;
BO 20V;
BO 50;
BO 7;
Blaunon EN 1504;
Blaunon EN1530;
Blaunon EN 1540;
Blaunon EN 905;
Blaunon EN 909;
Brij 90;
Brij 92;
Brij 93;
Brij 93Veg;
Brij 96;
Brij 96v;
Brij 97;
Brij 98;
Brij 98V;
Chemal OA 9;
Chemonic O 5;
E 205S;
E 212;
EO 20;
Emalex 503;
Emalex 505;
Emalex 505H;
Emalex 506;
Emalex 510;
Emalex 515;
Emalex 515H;
Emalex 520;
Emalex 550;
Emalex 550P;
Emulgen 3200;
Emulgen 404;
Emulgen 408;
Emulgen 409P;
Emulgen 430;
Emulgen 490P;
Emulin CC 50;
Emulmin CO 200;
Emulmin CO 50;
Emulphor O;
Emulphor ON 870;
Emulsogen MS 12;
Ethal OA 23;
Ethosperse OA 2;
Ethoxylated oleyl alc.;
Ethoxylated oleyl alcohol;
Ethoxyolated oleyl alcohol;
Ethylene oxide-oleyl alcohol adduct;
Eumulgin EP 4;
Eumulgin KE;
G 3910;
G 3920;
Genapol O;
Genapol O 020;
Genapol O 050;
Genapol O 080;
Genapol O100;
Genapol O 120;
Genapol O 150;
Genapol O 200;
Genapol O 230;
Genapol O 5;
Genapol O 8;
Hetoxol OA 5 Special;
Konion OA 12;
Koremul OE 20;
Koremul OE-m;
Leonil O;
Lipal 25OA;
Lipal 2OA;
Lipal OA;
Lipocol O 10;
Lipocol O 2;
Macol OA20;
Marlowet OA 30;
Mergital E 1212;
Merpol HC;
Merpol OJ;
Merpoxen OLF 80;
Newcol 1105;
Newcol 1200;
Newcol 1210;
Newcol 1215;
Newcol 1610;
Nikkol BO;
Nikkol BO 10;
Nikkol BO 10TX;
Nikkol BO 16;
Nikkol BO 2;
Nikkol BO 20;
NikkolBO 2V;
Nikkol BO 3;
Nikkol BO 5;
Nikkol BO 50;
Nikkol BO 50V;
Nikkol BO 7;
Nikkol BO 7V;
Nissan Nonion E 202;
Nissan Nonion E 202S;
Nissan Nonion E 205S;
Nissan Nonion E 206;
Nissan Nonion E 208;
Nissan Nonion E 215;
Nofable EAO9905;
Noigen ET 100;
Noigen ET 109;
Noigen ET 120;
Noigen ET 120E;
Noigen ET129;
Glycols,polyethylene, mono-9-octadecenyl ether (8CI);
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-9-octadecenyl-w-hydroxy- (9CI)
Decaethylene glycol, mono-9-octadecenyl ether, (Z)- (8CI);
9-Octadecen-1-ol, monoether with decaethylene glycol, (Z)- (8CI);
Decaethyleneglycol monooleyl ether;
Oleyl alcohol decaglycol ether;
Polyoxyethylene(10)oleyl ether
热门搜关键词:C29 O3 H42 C12 N2 S H14 C7H18SO3 分散剂 6A furazane ammonium compound c6h8o8 fe peach CAS NO Cyclononadiene Decen-1-yne 偶氮双水杨酸 C8H5N2OI