CAS登录号 | 中文名 | 英文名 | 分子结构式 | 分子式 | 详情 | 供应商 |
846-70-8 | 色酚黄S; 萘酚黄S | 2-Naphthalenesulfonicacid, 8-hydroxy-5,7-dinitro-, sodium salt (1:2); 2-Naphthalenesulfonicacid, 8-hydroxy-5,7-dinitro-, disodium salt (8CI,9CI); Flavianic acid sodiumsalt (6CI); 1307 yellow; 1422 yellow; A.F. yellow No.1; Acid Leather yellowNYS; Acid yellow 1; Acid yellow S; Amacid yellow S; C.I. 10316; C.I. Acidyellow 1; C.I. Food yellow 1; Calcocid yellow S; Dolkwal Naphthol yellow S; Dynacid yellow S; Edicol Supra yellow Y; Ext D & C yellow 7; Ext D and Cyellow No. 7; Ext D& C yellow No. 7-38007; Ext D& C yellow No. 7-90126; External D and C yellow 7; External yellow 7; FD and C yellow No. 1; Flavianicacid disodium salt; Hispacid yellow NSF; Japan yellow 403-1; Japan yellow No.403-1; Java Naphthol yellow S; KCA Naphthol yellow S; Kiton yellow S; MapleNaphthol yellow S; Monacid yellow RS; Nankai Naphthol yellow S; Naphthol lakeyellow FY; Naphthol yellow; Naphthol yellow L; Naphthol yellow OS; Naphtholyellow PL; Naphthol yellow RS; Naphthol yellow S; Naphthol yellow S 38007; Naphthol yellow S 90126; Naphthol yellow SEL 12; Naphthol yellow SFQ; Naphtholyellow SNA; Naphthol yellow SXX; Naphthol yellow S sodium salt; Naphtocardyellow S; Naphtol yellow S; Paper yellow L; Rakuto Naphthol yellow S; Sodiumflavianate; Solar yellow NY; Solar yellow NY conc; Solar yellow NY, sodiumsalt; Sulfur yellow S; Transparent yellow lake 16091; Triacid yellow S; yellow403-1; yellow lake 71; yellow No. 403; yellow No. 403-1 | C10H6N2O8S.2Na | 详情 | 供应商 |